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Saturday, 8 July 2023

July brings sunshine and new guest artists!

 We are delighted to have some wonderful Dorset talent join us for July, here's a bit more about them....

 Sophie Kilic:

Having grown up in Dorset, I am fascinated by the sea, the patterns of foam on the beach, the shapes, textures, the play of light. Dorset breathes prehistory in the geology of its rocks and in its ancient places. These and the natural world are what inspire me to paint and write. My love of nature prompted me to question if acrylic painting could be eco and health friendly. 

The paints I have been using come from Australia and, carbon footprint besides, are more eco-friendly than other acrylic paints. However, having continued my search for something nearer to home, I am now moving into mixing my own paints with earth pigments and a plant-based acrylic binder from Germany.

Wendy Jeavons:

From my coastal studio near Lulworth Cove, I create fused glass art and jewellery thatconnects you to the magic and wonder of the coast. You will discover glass artworkwhich will add a little coastal tranquillity to your home and will soothe your senses, whilstother statement pieces are more vibrant and full of energy that will add a dramatic popof gorgeous sea colours to a room. The glass jewellery captures the essence of the sea,giving you that connection to the coast and a sense of peace.

I have worked with glass for over 25 years since graduating with a 1st class degree inglass from Edinburgh College of Art, then receiving the prestigious Crafts Council StartUp Award to purchase equipment to start The Red Brick Glass Studio. I use a variety offused glass materials and techniques to experiment with light, layers, energy, and colour.I love incorporating screen printed elements in the work, creating small details for you todiscover, which creates pieces you can lose yourself in.If you love the idea of making your own sea and nature inspired fused glass artwork, I runfun and relaxing workshops from my home studio in Lulworth Cove, Dorset. I also haveChristmas themed workshops, full of snowflakes, stars, and magic! If you live a little toofar to come to workshop, I offer, make at home kits, so you can have some creative fusedglass fun at home. You will find sea themed kits and gorgeous Christmas decorations. The kits make lovely thoughtful gifts for creative friends and family.


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