Open 7 Days a Week 12 Artists, Crafters and Upcyclers Original Art Follow the Purple Signs Open 7 Days a Week

Saturday, 21 March 2020


In light of recent government guidelines around the Coronavirus we have made the very difficult decision to close the yard as from Monday 23rd March. We have over 20 lovely artists, crafters and makers in the yard, all taking it in turns to open and so we have to make sure we have their safety as well as our customers safety as a priority.
It's terribly sad times as the yard has been open regularly since we first opened and everyone who is a part of it feels such a sense of community. But it is not forever and we will come back even better, with lots of new creations, when this is all over with!
Please please please don't forget though that a lot of our residents artists and makers do also sell online, we will be keeping this page updated with details about our individual artisans with links to their relevant pages and you can also find details on our residents page


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