Open 7 Days a Week 12 Artists, Crafters and Upcyclers Original Art Follow the Purple Signs Open 7 Days a Week

Monday, 3 June 2024

It's a sunny start to June and we have some lovely new guest artists joining us!

 Jackie Doran

I'm Jackie, founder of Bonnie Lass Create.  My mission is to share the joy of macrame through unique handmade gifts for you and your home.  I also commission bespoke pieces and beautiful handbags to reflect your individual style. My macrame journey started in 2021 when my daughter brought me a gift to attend a workshop, and I was literally hooked straight away, since that time I've developed my own skills in teaching and have hosted over 60 workshops.  I also sell my creations at local craft centres and independent shops across Dorset.  
I named my business Bonnie Lass because this is what my dad called me when I was a child.  My dad sadly died when I was setting up my business and I thought it was a fitting tribute to name my little venture Bonnie Lass Create. 
I'm thrilled to be showcasing my work at The Purbeck Artisian Yard and hope you enjoy coming to take a look as well as discovering all the other talented makers and artists in this creative space.

Jackie Wand

As a natural crafter, Jacqueline produces classic glass vases and resin craft ware for sale. She uses the beautiful colours of the rolling Dorset countryside, where she lives, as inspiration to create useful artifacts. Jacqueline's bright personality and heart can be seen in each lovingly crafted object.

Marion Spencer

Marion Spencer (Mars) is a ceramic and fine artist who hopped the border from
Somerset ten years ago and has always been at her happiest immersed in the
natural world and folklore which reflects in her ceramic work particularly. She
admits to being quite eclectic and loves to make one-off pieces as well as small ,
affordable gift items: “ I’m really a frustrated sculptor, with not enough time and
a small kiln which limits my output . I love to draw as well as paint and bring
humour into some of my card designs. If my work brings a smile to others, I
believe my job is done.”
Marion is a member of Purbeck Arts Weeks (PAW), Dorset Arts and Crafts
Association (DACA)Artist and Purbeck Artists and Stallholders (PASH) and trades
as Westcountry Creations, exploring a variety of media.


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