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Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Three talented new Guest artists join the yard this Autumn

Artists Joe Calver and Fiona Russel along with Textile artist Madeleine Steel have their pieces on display at the yard this October and we'll think you'll agree their work is stunning! 

Be sure to pop along to see this mix of talent before they go, we're open 7 days a week (also, dare I say it, it's the perfect time to start thinking about that Christmas shopping!!) 

Joe Calver - Artist 

A native of East Anglia, I was inspired to paint by the big sky, open landscapes and the work of the art titans of my local area, Constable, Gainsborough, Chrome and Munnings. Some lesser-known artists also provided inspiration, notably Thomas Churchyard, a local 19th-century lawyer who created intimate landscapes of East Anglian scenes. The Tate has acquired quite a few pieces in recent years.

I moved to Purbeck over 20 years ago and have been fascinated by the Slade painters who worked in the area around the turn of the 20th century. I have often sought out the locations for their landscape work to see how much has changed (very little).

Dorset and Purbeck offer an extraordinary diversity of landscape, and I have tried to capture some of the ’spirit of the place’ in my paintings.

· Most panel paintings have been worked up onto larger canvases and sold, but commissions can be taken to produce larger versions if required.

· Paintings can be framed on request. The cost depends on the type of frame required.


Fiona Russel FiLou Fluid Art - Artist
Downstairs dividing wall.
Blurb below, images attached.

Living in the Purbecks since 2009 and close to Poole harbour for some years before, Fiona is constantly inspired by the ever-changing organic forms and colour around her.

The particular techniques she uses in her art with the vibrant colour of acrylic paint reflects the flowing and harmonious balance of landscape and water in her environment.

Her techniques use little or no traditional painting tools or brushes and each piece is uniquely created in a single application with just one opportunity to get it right. The success of each piece is a balance of technical preparation and creative vision, largely dependent on her thoughtful choice of colour balance, paint viscosity, ambient temperature as well as Fiona’s mood.

Fiona finds the whole process of creating each artwork piece, including the meticulous preparation, meditative and it allows her to enter a “flow” state of mind, which she finds incredibly therapeutic. Fiona will to a certain extent allow the paint movement to guide the result of the final piece and the element of surprise that this art form allows, keeps her coming back to create more. The result is a harmonious fusion of colour and of form not achievable with conventional techniques.

Fiona is displaying in October and December this year as a Guest Artist at the Purbeck Artisan Yard and she would love for you to come and see her artwork and creations, all of which are looking for new homes to adorn.

Madeleine Steele - Textile Artist

Downstairs Shelves

Blurb below, photographs attached.

Having grown up in a creative and artistic family environment, I am particularly drawn towards the use of mixed media, textiles & thread. I use nature as the inspiration for my work and especially love the sea and coastlines of Dorset & Pembrokeshire.

I have spent many years running creative workshops; upcycling furniture, clothing & textiles, and I always incorporate recycled materials and elements in my artwork. I have recently started selling on Etsy

I hope you enjoy the work that I have displayed at the Purbeck Artisan Yard.


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